John Vassilopoulos

Report to the SEP (US) Eighth National Congress

The campaign to free Bogdan Syrotiuk and the fight against war 

This report introduced the discussion and vote on the resolution "Free Bogdan Syrotiuk", which was passed unanimously by the delegates of the Eighth Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US).

Clara Weiss

Ukraine continues offensive inside Russia

Whatever the immediate military and political calculations behind the incursion, its underlying strategy and goals reveal the imperialist character of the war waged by the US and NATO against Russia.

Clara Weiss

Putin launches purge of military

Shortly after the inauguration of his fifth term as President in late April, Vladimir Putin has initiated a far-reaching purge of the military leadership.

Lev Novitsky, Clara Weiss

Roger Waters calls for release of Ukrainian Trotskyist Bogdan Syrotiuk

In recent days, the campaign for the release of the Ukrainian Trotskyist Bogdan Syrotiuk, who was arrested by the Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) on April 25 for his socialist opposition to the far-right Zelensky government and the NATO-instigated war between Russia and Ukraine, has gathered momentum.

Clara Weiss