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Gaza war takes its toll on Israel’s finances as threat of war with Lebanon escalates

According to the Bank of Israel and the Israeli Ministry of Finance, the cost of the first six months of the war, which Netanyahu has said will continue for months and shows every sign of escalating into an all-out war against Hezbollah in the north and the Houthis in the Red Sea, had reached more than 70 billion shekels ($73 billion) by the end of March.

Jean Shaoul

Jeremy Corbyn comes out firmly against a break with Starmer’s Labour Party

Corbyn will not lead a movement against the Labour government. He will support it, while making the occasional criticism to supposedly pressure it to the left. But the Labour Party is impervious to such pressure, functioning as the unalloyed representative of the financial oligarchy and of British imperialism.

Chris Marsden

New survey shows Australian youth prefer socialism

The result is an indication of a broad leftward movement among youth in Australia and internationally against the capitalist system, which presents a future of war, dictatorship, social misery, climate catastrophe and mass illness.

Eric Ludlow

Congress hails the war criminal Netanyahu

Netanyahu’s appearance, and the rapturous reception he received, recalled nothing more than the appearance of Hitler before the German Reichstag. The German deputies who shouted “Heil Hitler!” and the American congressmen who barked “USA” are cut from the same cloth.

WSWS Editorial Board

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

Health workers in Greece walk out over privatisation as Portuguese doctors strike for pay; protests continue across Iran over dire poverty and authoritarian rule, joined by medics and nurses in Tehran hospital; doctors and nurses in Morocco in five-day walkout over pay

Pakistan’s government threatens to illegalize the country’s most popular party

Amid mounting protests—over both the dire economic situation and the military’s “dirty war” tactics against insurgents—there is growing apprehension within the ruling class that Pakistan could soon be convulsed by a mass popular uprising akin to that which chased Gotabaya Rajapaksa from power in Sri Lanka in July 2022.

Keith Jones

Hospital workers face off against Michigan Medicine and union bureaucracy

Professional workers, physician assistants and other hospital employees are engaged in a battle with administration at Michigan Medicine over pay, benefits and understaffing that requires a unified strategy and fight against the union apparatus which is seeking to contain and divert their struggle.

George Kirby

Austerity protests in Uganda violently crushed

The protests have instilled fear within the Museveni regime of unrest similar to that in neighboring Kenya. In a televised address Saturday evening Museveni threatened the protestors, "We are busy producing wealth… and you here want to disturb us.”

Kipchumba Ochieng

Kenyan protesters defy Ruto’s threats

The protests are a rejection of Ruto's announcement last Friday of the first batch of Cabinet Secretaries, replacing those dismissed on July 11 after weeks of mass anti-austerity demonstrations. In a provocative move, Ruto reinstated half of the officials he had fired just two weeks ago.

Kipchumba Ochieng

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Unions covering more than 11,400 Walmart workers have shut down a strike after just six days while 28,000 US flight attendants at United will vote next month on approval to strike.

After the collapse of the Biden campaign

Whether headed by Vice President Kamala Harris or another presidential nominee, the Democratic Party remains the principal enabler of ex-President Trump and the fascistic Republicans.

WSWS Editorial Board

Fallout from global IT failure continues for third day

The impact of the crashing of millions of computer systems running Microsoft Windows at businesses, government offices and critical infrastructure organizations around the world continued over the weekend.

Kevin Reed

This week in history: July 22-28

This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago

UK Labour denounces “audacious criminality” of Leeds riots

The incident has exposed the brutal state of class relations in Britain, with a newly elected Labour government responding to acute social problems produced by decades of austerity with police methods and criminalisation of the poor.

Our reporters

Tens of thousands of Boeing machinists vote to strike

More than 33,000 machinists working at Boeing’s facilities in Washington and Oregon packed a Major League baseball stadium on Wednesday to vote by 99.9 percent to strike when their contract expires September 12.

Bryan Dyne

Study reaffirms that masks prevent COVID-19 transmission

A new study in The Lancet demonstrates that face coverings dramatically reduce the load of SARS-CoV-2 in exhaled breath from infected persons. The reductions reached as high as 98 percent, with variations according to the type of face covering worn.

Bill Shaw

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

South Korea: Strike at Samsung Electronics enters second week; Indian railway workers demonstrate against new national pension scheme; Australia: Ramsay Health Care nurses in New South Wales protest over workloads and pay

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