The Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party–SGP) is running in the Berlin elections to give a voice and a socialist perspective to the opposition to the hated policies of war and social devastation. The SGP’s election spot will be broadcast on Saturday, January 21, at about 19:56 CET and on Thursday, February 2, beginning between 22:00 and 22:15 CET on RBB (Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting).
“How the fight against fascism and war must be waged”
In the following video, the chairman of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP), Christoph Vandreier, talks about the result of the 2025 federal election and explains “how the fight against fascism and war must be waged.”
Germany’s 2025 federal election: How the struggle against fascism and war must be waged
The result of Germany’s federal election on February 23 is the product of a deep political and social crisis that will lead to explosive class conflicts.
Germany’s 2025 federal elections: A turning point in post-war German history
For the first time since the fall of the Third Reich 80 years ago, there is a real possibility that a party with direct ideological continuity with the Nazis will enter government.
Warning strikes in Germany’s public transport: Form action committees and join the SGP!
The warning strikes must be made the starting point for the mobilization of all workers against the incoming government, which is preparing attacks on jobs, wages and social benefits on a scale not seen since the end of the Second World War.