
Zoom meeting next Sunday May 14: A fighting programme for Royal Mail workers

The Postal Workers Rank-and-File Committee (UK) is holding a meeting next Sunday, May 14 at 7pm to discuss a fighting programme for Royal Mail workers to defeat the brutal dictates of Royal Mail Group and its stooges in the Communication Workers Union (CWU) bureaucracy.

CWU General Secretary Dave Ward and the postal executive declare there is “no alternative” to accepting such a ruthless pro-company deal. They are trying to intimidate RM workers by repeating the claims of CEO Simon Thompson that if workers reject the deal Royal Mail will go bankrupt.

The CWU bureaucracy accepts that Royal Mail shareholders’ profits are sacrosanct and that postal workers must pay the price through Amazon-style sweatshop conditions. 

Sunday’s meeting will discuss what policies and program are needed to defend the interests of postal workers and launch a fightback. Royal Mail and the CWU have announced their strategy and plans -- it is time for postal workers to do the same.

Please spread the word and help ensure the widest attendance at next Sunday’s Zoom meeting across all areas of Royal Mail. Register for the meeting here.