In 1985, after a protracted process of political degeneration, the Workers Revolutionary Party, the former British section of the ICFI, broke decisively from Trotskyism.
In May-June 1986, the International Committee of the Fourth International met and made an exhaustive analysis of the theoretical, political and historical issues involved in the WRP’s degeneration and collapse. How the Workers Revolutionary Party Betrayed Trotskyism demonstrated that the crisis in the WRP was bound up with its retreat from the principles that the British Trotskyists had previously defended in the founding of the ICFI itself and, later, in their struggle against the unprincipled reunification carried out by the American Socialist Workers Party with the Pabloites in 1963.

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Purchase from Mehring Books- Editorial
- Why the WRP Collapsed
- Internationalism and the Fight for Trotskyism in Britain
- Conflict with the OCI
- The Founding of the Workers Revolutionary Party
- The Expulsion of Alan Thornett
- 1975: The Year of the Great Shift
- The Labour Government in Crisis
- The Trial of the “Observer” Lawsuit
- The Fourth Congress of March 1979
- The Election Campaign
- The Degeneration of the Party Regime
- The Right-Centrist Leaven of Ultra-Left Downsliding
- 1981: The WRP Embraces the Popular Front
- All Power to the GLC!
- The WRP Attacks the Trade Unions
- Towards a Party of Law and Order
- The WRP Abandons the Proletariat of the Backward Countries
- The Evolution of WRP Policy in the Middle East
- Perspectives of the Fourth Congress of the WRP (March 1979)
- The WRP Betrays the Zimbabwean Revolution
- The WRP Betrays the Arab Masses
- The Aftermath of the Congress
- Libya: How the Bloc Looked in Practice
- How Healy Courted the Ba’athists
- The Outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War
- A Mission for S. Michael
- The Malvinas War: How Healy Worked as an Imperialist Stooge
- How Healy “Defended” the PLO
- The WRP and the Irish Struggle: A Case of Chauvinist Hypocrisy
- The WRP in Crisis
- The Idealist Distortion of Materialist Dialectics
- Opposition Inside the International Committee
- Youth Training: A Fabian Escapade
- The WRP Defends Stalinism
- Strange Interlude: The 1983 Elections
- “Dizzy with Success”—The Sixth Congress of the WRP
- The Beginning of the End: The WRP and the NGA Dispute
- Conflict within the International Committee
- The WRP Betrays the Miners Strike
- The 10th Congress of the International Committee
- The 10 Stupidities of C. Slaughter
- The WRP Breaks with Trotskyism
- Conclusion