The deputy chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (SGP), Christoph Vandreier, spoke on Tuesday at a vigil at the Brandenburg Gate after a right-wing terrorist killed eight people in Hanau, Germany. Vandreier stressed the responsibility of the parties of the German grand coalition, who have prepared the way for right-wing extremist attacks with their xenophobic policies.
Mexican government treats Trump’s intervention threats as a joke
President Sheinbaum is scrambling to prevent Mexican workers from becoming conscious of the seriousness of Trump’s threats and her own administration’s shift to the right.
Andrea Lobo•
Mexico’s AMLO vows to “strengthen measures” against migrants as mass caravan faces repression
Wednesday’s summit was spurred by Republican demands for a greater crackdown on migrants in exchange for approving a $110 billion package to fund the war against Russia in Ukraine and the Gaza genocide.
Andrea Lobo•
Mexico and Peru join US military exercise preparing for war against China
Earlier this year, Mexico’s president, AMLO, denounced the Biden administration for sending troops to train the Peruvian armed forces.
Andrea Lobo•
President AMLO invites US special forces to train troops in Mexico
As US imperialism is seen as a pariah across the globe due to its support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza, pseudo-leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has invited US Special Forces to train their Mexican counterparts.
Andrea Lobo•
David Walsh•
Benjamin Mateus•
Mauricio Saavedra•
Tomas Castanheira•