
Socialist Equality Party (UK) holds London rally in defence of Assange and Manning

The Socialist Equality Party (UK) held a successful rally Sunday in London to demand the freedom of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and US whistleblower Chelsea Manning. The meeting was attended by more than 130 workers, youth and students who came from all over the UK.

Socialist Equality Party national secretary Chris Marsden addressing the London rally

At the event, socialists from the three imperialist countries trying to silence Assange and Manning outlined the fundamental principles and programmatic conceptions required in the fight to secure their freedom—Joseph Kishore, the SEP’s candidate for president of the United States; WSWS journalist Oscar Grenfell from the SEP (Australia); and SEP (UK) National Secretary Chris Marsden. Kishore spoke by a pre-recorded video which can be viewed here:

The meeting featured a lively discussion with many questions and contributions from the floor. A full report of the meeting, including contributions from the other speakers and interviews with attendees, will be published on the WSWS in the coming days.