David North, the National Chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US) and the Chairman of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site, addressed a meeting of students and workers at Wayne State University in Detroit on April 11, 2019. The meeting was part of the series “The Threat of Fascism and How to Fight It.”
Netanyahu organises Israeli “antisemitism” conference featuring Europe’s far-right
The alliance of Israel’s political elite with the world’s most reactionary forces demonstrates that Zionism is no less a bitter enemy of Jewish workers and youth than it is of the Palestinians.
Jean Shaoul•
European court orders Ukraine to pay victims of the 2014 Odessa fascist massacre
The European Court’s findings confirm the WSWS’s assessment of the massacre 10 years ago and underscore the anti-democratic nature of the Kiev regime.
Jason Melanovski•
The 75th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 8
Two films dealing with racism and fascism: The Moelln Letters and The Lie
Together with The German People, the documentaries The Moelln Letters and The Lie were met with great interest at this year’s Berlin film festival.
Bernd Reinhardt•
Six years after Christchurch massacre in New Zealand by fascist Brenton Tarrant
Australian and New Zealand leaders have hypocritically condemned Islamophobia, even as they embrace the fascist Trump and back the Gaza genocide.
Tom Peters•
Johannes Stern•
Johannes Stern•
Markus Salzmann•
Christoph Vandreier•
David Walsh•