
Newsweek publishes response from Tom Hall to Teamster official’s attack on WSWS for opposing sellout UPS contract

Attend the online public meeting, “The ‘No’ vote at UPS and the next stage of the battle against the Teamsters bureaucracy,” hosted by the UPS Workers Rank-and-File Committee, this Sunday at 7pm Eastern. Register for the event here.

Tom Hall's column in Newsweek [Photo: Newsweek]

With the end of voting on the UPS contract only a week away, the Teamsters bureaucracy is clearly nervous about the substantial opposition among 340,000 UPS workers to the new five-year deal. Voting on the contract began August 2 and will continue until August 22.

This anxiety was expressed last week in a guest op-ed in Newsweek. In “Blue-Collar Workers Are Under Attack by an Intellectual-Industrial Complex,” author Jill Dunson tries to slander opposition among UPS workers as the product of “armchair activists,” above all the World Socialist Web Site.

While described in the magazine as simply a part-time pre-loader at UPS, Dunson is in fact a member of the bargaining committee that produced the contract.

On Tuesday, Newsweek published a response from WSWS writer Tom Hall to Dunson’s column, under the headline, “UPS’ Deal With the Teamsters Leaves Workers Behind.” In it, Hall replies to Dunson’s defense of the sell-out agreement and the mischaracterization of the WSWS’ position on the unions and rank-and-file committees.

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